"Christians, R (MPAA Rating)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Mar 22, 2024Immaculate $5,338,921$15,671,306$22,751,434
Sep 2, 2022Honk for Jesus. Save Your S… $1,422,615$2,561,270$2,561,270
Apr 13, 2022Father Stu $4,000,000$5,402,642$21,096,678$21,799,053
Apr 12, 2019Mary Magdalene $46,646$124,958$11,995,000
Mar 29, 2019Unplanned $6,000,000$6,382,298$19,005,109$21,413,603
Nov 2, 2018Boy Erased $11,000,000$207,057$6,788,692$11,862,650
Jan 12, 2018L’insulte $24,600$1,000,038$3,349,351
Oct 27, 2017Novitiate $22,724$580,346$580,346
Dec 23, 2016Silence $46,500,000$130,880$7,100,177$23,726,626
Nov 20, 2015The Night Before $25,000,000$9,880,536$43,035,725$52,568,099
Sep 17, 2010Incendies $6,800,000$6,857,096$16,017,448
Dec 29, 2004The Merchant of Venice $30,000,000$69,868$3,765,585$18,765,585
Oct 11, 1985Silver Bullet $7,000,000$4,013,563$10,803,211$10,803,211

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Christians - R (MPAA Rating)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Biography2 - Dysfunctional Family2 - Faith-Based Drama2 - Faith-Based Film2 - Historical Drama2 - Jewish3 - Pastor2 - Religious4 - Young Child Dealing with the Death of a Parent2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Comedy2 - Drama9 - Horror2

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction6 - Dramatization3 - Fantasy1 - Historical Fiction3

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Factual Book/Article1 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story4 - Based on Play1 - Based on Real Life Events1 - Based on Religious Text1 - Based on Short Film1 - Original Screenplay4

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Live Action13

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated20 - PG24 - PG-1320