"Scientific Experiment Gone Awry, PG-13 (MPAA Rating)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Apr 1, 2022Morbius $75,000,000$39,005,895$73,865,530$162,759,437
Sep 20, 2019Ad Astra $80,000,000$19,001,398$50,188,370$135,406,280
Feb 13, 2019Happy Death Day 2U $9,000,000$9,497,665$28,148,130$64,686,515
Jan 11, 2019Replicas $30,000,000$2,375,325$4,046,429$9,037,427
Jul 6, 2018Ant-Man and the Wasp $130,000,000$75,812,205$216,648,740$623,144,660
Apr 13, 2018Rampage $120,000,000$35,753,093$101,028,233$427,947,217
Aug 7, 2015Fantastic Four $120,000,000$25,685,737$56,117,548$167,849,187
Feb 27, 2015The Lazarus Effect $5,000,000$10,203,437$25,801,570$38,359,310
Nov 27, 2002Solaris $47,000,000$6,752,722$14,970,038$14,970,038
Jun 1, 2001The Animal $22,000,000$19,610,520$55,762,229$55,762,229
Aug 23, 1996The Island of Dr. Moreau $40,000,000$9,101,987$27,682,712$27,682,712
Aug 2, 1996Chain Reaction $55,000,000$7,545,944$21,226,204$60,209,334
Aug 25, 1995Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde $900,782$2,739,002$2,739,002
Nov 23, 1994Junior $9,803,145$36,763,355$108,431,355
Aug 16, 1985The Bride $1,763,277$3,600,000$3,600,000
Aug 3, 1984The Philadelphia Experiment $1,877,000$8,103,330$8,103,330

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Scientific Experiment Gone Awry - PG-13 (MPAA Rating)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Action Adventure3 - Dysfunctional Family3 - Famously Bad3 - Fugitive / On the Run3 - Human Experimentation2 - IMAX: DMR3 - Mad Scientist4 - Psychological Thriller2 - Relationships Gone Wrong2 - Research Scientist4 - Romance2 - Farcical / Slapstick Comedy3 - Surprise Twist5 - Time Travel2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action4 - Adventure1 - Comedy3 - Drama1 - Horror3 - Thriller/Suspense4

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction3 - Fantasy1 - Science Fiction9 - Super Hero3

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel2 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story3 - Based on Game1 - Original Screenplay8 - Remake1 - Spin-Off1

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Animation/Live Action1 - Live Action15

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated4 - PG8 - R25