Most Popular Movies 1973

This chart shows the 1973 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 1973 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 1973 - Top 1973 Worldwide

Most Popular Overall 1974 →
The Exorcist
The Exorcist
Director: William Friedkin
Lead Roles: Max von Sydow as Father Lankester Merrin
Initial Theatrical Release: December 26, 1973 (Wide) by Warner Bros.
Keywords: Possessed, Religious, Skeptic, Exorcism, Supernatural Horror, 1974 Oscars Best Picture Nominee
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Horror, Live Action, Fantasy
Domestic BO:
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American Graffiti

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Andrei Rublev
Andrey Rublyov
Director: Andrei Tarkovsky
Lead Roles: Anatoly Solonitsyn as Andrei Rublev
Initial Theatrical Release: October, 1973 (Limited) by Columbia, released as Andrei Rublev
Keywords: Non-Chronological, Religious, Voiceover/Narration, Tortured as Punishment, Moscow, 1400s, Painter, Betrayal, Falsely Accused
Classification: Based on Real Life Events, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:
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With his second feature, a towering epic that took him years to complete, Andrei Tarkovsky waded deep into the past and emerged with a visionary masterwork. Threading together several self-contained episodes, the filmmaker traces the renowned icon painter Andrei Rublev through the harsh realities of fifteenth-century Russian life, vividly conjuring the dark and otherworldly atmosphere of the age: a primitive hot-air balloon takes to the sky, snow falls inside an unfinished church, naked pagans celebrate the midsummer solstice, a young man oversees the casting of a gigantic bell. Appearing here in Tarkovsky’s preferred 183-minute cut, as well as the version that was originally censored by Soviet authorities, Andrei Rublev is an arresting meditation on art, faith, and endurance, and a powerful reflection on expressive constraints in the director’s own time.

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High Plains Drifter
Domestic BO:

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Director: Sidney Lumet
Lead Roles: Al Pacino as Frank Serpico
Initial Theatrical Release: December 5, 1973 (Wide) by Paramount Pictures
Keywords: Film Noir, Biographical Drama, Biography, NYPD, Corrupt Cops, Whistleblowers
Classification: Based on Factual Book/Article, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:
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The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Director: Peter Yates
Initial Theatrical Release: June 27, 1973 (Limited) by Paramount Pictures
Classification: Original Screenplay, Thriller/Suspense, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
Director: Sam Peckinpah
Lead Roles: James Coburn as Sheriff Patrick J. Garrett, Kris Kristofferson as William H. 'Billy the Kid' Bonney
Initial Theatrical Release: May 23, 1973 (Wide)
Keywords: Revisionist Western, Outlaws, Prologue, 1900s, 1880s, Fugitive / On the Run, Death of a Spouse or Fiancée / Fiancé
Classification: Based on Real Life Events, Western, Live Action, Dramatization
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La maman et la putain
Director: Jean Eustache
Initial Theatrical Release: May 17, 1973 (Limited) (France)
Keywords: Romance
Classification: Original Screenplay, Drama, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:
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Le Magnifique
Director: Philippe de Broca
Lead Roles: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jacqueline Bisset
Initial Theatrical Release: November 23, 1973 (Limited) (France)
Keywords: Spoof
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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The Sting
The Sting
Director: George Roy Hill
Lead Roles: Paul Newman as Henry Gondorff/Mr. Shaw, Robert Redford as Johnny Hooker/ Kelly
Initial Theatrical Release: December 25, 1973 (Wide) by Universal
Keywords: Gambling, Confidence Men, Crime Caper, Oscars Best Picture Winner, 1974 Oscars Best Picture Nominee
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Historical Fiction
Domestic BO:

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A Scream in the Streets
Director: Carl Monson
Initial Theatrical Release: November, 1973 (Limited) by Boxoffice International Pictures
Classification: Original Screenplay, Action, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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Director: Mike Hodges
Initial Theatrical Release: February 8, 1973 (Limited) by United Artists
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
Director: Nathan Juran
Initial Theatrical Release: August 1, 1973 (Limited) by Universal
Classification: Horror, Live Action

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